

Test Your Strength

How often do you asses your strengths?

Strength can be described in many ways, we can be strong physically, mentally, or spiritually. We can be weak or strong in each category. What about humor, can that be a strength? What about integrity? Optimism? Fairness? Bravery? Creativity? Prudence? Modesty? Leadership? Faithfulness? Humility? Mercy? Diligence? What about compassion? What about friendliness? What about assertiveness?

Speaking of assertiveness, I’ll confess, I’ve never been a very assertive person.  Often I end up fretting over situations rather than have a frank chat with someone I have some sort of disagreement with. But I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older, I have become more assertive. I’m always polite, but I do stand up for myself these days. Several days ago, a staff member at a school usurped my place to correct a behavior problem on my bus, but instead of stewing about it I thought about it overnight and then had a chat with them about it the next day. The chat corrected the situation, brought an apology and I feel better about what happened. What about you, have you become stronger over time?

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  1. Madge, You are speaking my language! I am definitely becoming more assertive as I get older. Never have liked confrontation but I’ve learned if done correctly and in love, it can be a good thing. Thanks for posting this today. Great pic too! ~ Anne

  2. Ruth Hiebert

    I am by nature not assertive.Don’t like conflict,but since Jake has passed away I get pretty firm with anyone who complains about their spouse.I cannot stand to listen to that,when I would love to have my man at my side.

  3. This is a great post…something to think about for sure! My age has certainly made me stronger. For so many years, I just ‘took it’ and went my merry way. Now that doesn’t happen that often. And with age, has come the knowledge of how to deal with situations I could not handle as a younger person. I’m much better off and stress a lot less. Again, great post AND cool photo!

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