Blowin’ in the Wind
Blowin’ in the Wind

Blowin’ in the Wind

Dandelion Gone to Seed

One ever present theme of early fall are plants going to seed.

:  :  :

I’ve always thought plant seeds are interesting,

their various shapes and sizes,

and their methods

of dispersal.

:  :  :

Maple trees,

have those seeds that flutter like little helicopters to the ground,

and in a breeze can sail quite a ways from their ‘parent.’

The pods of wild peas

(like sweet peas but without the fragrance)

pop open in a spiral motion,

and the seeds fly in all directions.

Birds eat many seeds and berries, and spread them through their droppings.

Some seeds have burrs,

and cling to passing animals, and to the hems of my jeans or in my socks.

Thank you very much! NOT!

(Have you ever tried to pick those things out of your socks or your cat’s tail????)

:  :  :

But here,

we have the lowly Dandelion,

much maligned and fought by many a gardener.

To a photographer though with a macro lens,

their true beauty emerges.

This bloom has gone to seed and the breeze has already dislodged

some of the seeds to sail away on little ‘silk parachutes.’

:  :  :

As a personal aside,

I am enjoying my early days of retirement.

Frankly, I’ve been surprised that I don’t miss working.

I don’t miss the kids or the noise in the bus, or the rude drivers not wanting to be delayed by a school bus,

nor the politics and drama of the job site.

I do miss my friends though.

:  :  :


I’m applying for the last of my pensions, my Teamster’s benefits.

I applied for Social Security benefits exactly one month ago

and received my first check two weeks ago,

I must admit my shock that the Federal Government moved that fast

(thankfully I applied and was processed for benefits prior to the shutdown).

The last of my benefits will be paid out through Washington State Dept. of Retirement,

as a public employee.

I’m thankful too, that I can purchase health insurance as a public employee retiree

through a benefits board rather than having to buy through Obamacare,

which seems to be a real nightmare for many trying to wade through a system

that doesn’t work as it was touted prior to launch.

:  :  :

(Insert the noise here of a soap box being moved).

I can’t believe that the government will penalize people on their taxes

if they don’t buy insurance through this system that is not working…

Frankly, I was/am shocked that the U.S. Supreme Court upheld this tax penalty at all… really????


I’ll zip it now.

(Insert the noise of a soap being moved back into the closet).

:  :  :

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  1. Insert the noise of that soap box being moved back out of the closet as I remind you that your employer may decide it’s more beneficial to drop your insurance and pay the fine, forcing you into Obamacare. I’m in a similar boat…grateful that I have insurance through my former employer, but expecting at some point that they will decide it’s better to have a fixed cost, in the form of a fine, than to keep paying our insurance costs. I’m afraid that, in the end, none of us will be exempt from this nightmare. Okay, put the soap box back in the closet now. :)

    On a more positive note, I wish you a very happy retirement. If you drove school bus, you’ve earned it!

    1. Yes, that is a possibility for many folks (and I suppose I’m not immune as a retired public employee) that they are being dropped from insurance coverage on their jobs only to find the Obamacare coverage is MORE money for less benefits… sigh and grrr at the same time!

  2. The dandelion I s beautiful. I’m glad you are enjoying retirement. I think our bus driver must be weary of our road because the neighbors aren’t doing a good job with their fencing and she is aleays having to call public safety about loose horses and cows in the road!

    1. I remember calling in on the two way radio one morning about a loose milk cow, and then there was the morning I saw a naked boy running around a house (turns out later I found out he was special needs and did that all the time… sad)…

  3. I didn’t realize you had retired! Good for you. It’s nice to see you around more often in blog land, too. As an independent business owner, health insurance has become a huge nightmare for us. Payments are almost as much as our mortgage. Oh, don’t even get me started. Love your macro shot!

  4. Oh it’s so good to hear all is working out! Right now the big R day for me is about 18 months away. I know it will go quickly and, if I win the lottery, I’ll be able to shorten that time span…LOL This photo is magnificent! I love macros…they’re one of my favorite things to shoot but the detail here is outstanding. I will have to strive for this!

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