Gelly, Short for Magellan
Gelly, Short for Magellan

Gelly, Short for Magellan

Gelly - My cat

Magellan, a great explorer of the new world.

:  :  :


in this instance,


Gelly for short, is my cat.

:  :  :

Her momma,

Bitty (as in Little Bitty) was half Siamese.


was the first kitten in the litter of four to have her eyes open,

the first to walk on wobbly legs,

and the first to venture from the box where I placed them

for Bitty after she bore them on my bed in the middle of the night.

:  :  :


was attacked at eight months old by a neighbor’s dog,

with about six punctures in her haunches

and belly.

The vet didn’t think she’d survive.

She did.

:  :  :

Since then,

she has been very skittish,

but in the middle of the night she will come

and ‘make biscuits’ on my chest,

while she purrs endlessly.

She loves being ‘loved’

when –


wants it!


:  :  :


is ‘Random 5 Friday,’

over at my friend Nancy’s place, ‘A Rural Journal,’

where we link up a post with some facts about ourselves.

Here are my five:

: : :

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  1. Amanda

    Little Gelly always looks so much like Bitty when I see her! It catches me off guard because I never see much but a tail ducking behind something, that when I see her face, it’s very similar. Too bad that Gelly cat won’t let me pet her.

  2. too bad that dog injured Gelly so badly! she looks much like my Jax. he also is a nervous nelly. I adopted him so maybe something similar happened to him. but when I’m the only human in the house, he loves to “Knead” me before he settles on me. what’s that about? any ideas? Ting my Siamese doesn’t do that, but she won’t lie on me, but will sit close to me.
    I’d give you a medal for driving a school bus!

  3. Good for you that you are retiring!!! You are one brave woman driving a bus these days. I sure have been tempted to go and try driving one, but seeing what I have seen about driving school buses scares me off! Are the kids as bad as they show on Youtube and the news and such?

    Sorry you had a wreck, but that’s great they found the other damage after taking off the bumper! An insurance adjustor once told my daughter that even if your car looks okay, there may be damage underneath that isn’t visible just looking at it. I guess she was right!

  4. So happy for you Madge… you will love retirement. And you are right — that’s quick. Nothing wrong with that.

    Love Gelly — I read on a vet’s office sign today “A cat is a puzzle that can never be solved.” :)

  5. Pat

    I am so glad to hear that Gelly survived the attack and can enjoy the world around her. What a heartwarming story you related to all of us.
    Animals are so wonderful. We have two pups that have kept me company since I hurt my back. They have been constant companions.
    Sounds like these cats have been good company for you as well. Congratulations on your retirement! Hope you can pursue and enjoy
    The things you enjoy.

  6. I was going to comment on your fine portrait of your cat, but the news of your impending retirement certainly trumps that. Congratulations! You will miss driving, the kids, your colleagues, etc., but you will also discover that life as a retiree can be pretty darned good!

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