Eye of Joey
Eye of Joey

Eye of Joey

Eye of Joey - African Grey Parrot Eye

Watching your every move, waiting to see if you might offer a walnut or a toy.

Do you have a parrot or have you ever had one? Joey is my first parrot. He’s almost eleven years old and quite a character. Talking intermittently he will call the dog, call the cats, beep like the microwave and garbage truck, he whistles like my husband, but hasn’t mastered a tune yet. He will make the electronic beeping tones while you’re trying to dial the phone and also hang up with you. Our dog Lucy watches over him with extreme vigilance when he’s loose. Occasionally when he slides down off his cage for a walk, they will be nose to beak, with Joey puffing up his feathers to look large and fierce. Lucy seems to have an innate sense that Joey’s beak is danger in a small sharp package and keeps just enough distance to avoid injury.

Here I’ve taken a close up shot of one of Joey’s eyes, beautiful isn’t it? If you would like a few red tail feathers, send me an email with your address, I’ll send you a few (first two requests will be honored, use my Contact page above).

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  1. Hello Madge, your photography is awesome, I like your pictures a lot! Do we have a parrot?, no we don’t, we’ve had budgies, finches, cockatiel (I think the cockatiel is related to parrots). Now we have fish, guinna pigs, & a very sick cat with diabetes! Have a good week..

  2. Brilliant macro Madge, bit of a reflection in there too! Joey is a lovely old fella. You know we get the wild parrots in the garden and they had me totally confused for a while because they pick up the sound of the phone ringing when I’m outside in the garden (so clever) and then when they repeat it, I head for my phone because they’ve mastered it so well. But I’m on to them now haha!

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