Lighting the Way – Weekly Top Shot #50
Lighting the Way – Weekly Top Shot #50

Lighting the Way – Weekly Top Shot #50

Point No Point Lighthouse - Hansville WA

Bright white, meant to standout and mark the shoreline, the Point No Point Lighthouse keeps the light on for sailors. In 1872, after the grounding of several ships, a request was made for the construction of a lighthouse along the northern tip of the Kitsap Peninsula in central Puget Sound. Two sites were explored, Foulweather Bluff (on the northwestern tip of the peninsula) and Point No Point (on the northeastern tip), in the end Point No Point was the chosen site and the lighthouse constructed, with a Fifth order Fresnel lens installed in the 27 foot tall tower in 1880. Fully automated in 1977, the site is no longer manned by keepers of the light.

But all of the history aside, it is simply a beautiful little lighthouse, so pristine white that it shines like a jewel along the shore of Puget Sound. This is one of my favorite places around Puget Sound, I love packing a picnic lunch of good cheese, artisan bread, Italian Dry Salami and a bottle of Merlot which makes dining al fresco the best, all the while watching shore birds, listening to the saltwater lap at the shore, watching pleasure craft and ocean going freighters make way towards the international ports of Seattle and Tacoma.

I apologize for the late posting of Weekly Top Shot meme. I worked last night, transporting the band for one of our high schools to the district stadium for a game against another team from a district east of us. The game ran late due to an unfortunate injury of a player requiring a Medic One response. Then upon the return to the school, a student accidentally hit the rear corner of my co-worker’s school bus, we had to wait for district security to come and investigate the accident. It was after midnight when I got home and made for a long 18 hour day, I slept in this morning.

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  1. Kay

    I love this shot!

    Sounds like yesterday was one of those “memorable” days, full of all the unexpected things that come with working with lots of people. So glad you gave yourself a chance to sleep in!

  2. bj

    O, I love this beautiful building. So awesome…wonder if its ever been in a movie???…it should….it’s a MOVIE STAR.:)
    Thanks dearly for hosting this nice party each week. I’ve been blessed to see lots of great photos.:)

  3. I knew as soon as I saw the picture that it was Point No Point Lighthouse and what a beautiful picture you have of it! My cousin and I were there quite a few years ago. I have several pictures of it. There were a couple of artists painting while we were there. My cousin and I have made several lighthouse trips and one of them was to Puget Sound. Now I am going to have to go back to my archives and find some of those photos!
    Hope you can catch up on your sleep now.

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